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Benchmarking the profitability of raising pigs 2022
Dr. Derald Holtkamp, MS, DVM, Professor of Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, Iowa State Univ. (USA)

Porcilis® PCV ID

Now with 26 Weeks duration of immunity

Up to 4 at once
From 1 to 4 immunizations in just 1 administration

Once you were dreaming of a healthier world. We can build it together.
Animal well-beign brings us together. The dream of a more sustainable tomorrow inspires us to be better every day.
That’s why MSD Animal Health is by your side.
Welcome to Total Pig Health from MSD Animal Health.
Customer insight has guided our innovation from the very beginning. We built our portfolio of solutions around your world. Now we have built a world around these solutions. A world of insights, expertise, and partnership around everything that affects the health and profitability of your herd.
A healthier, more sustainable future will become a reality if we think bigger and work together to overcome today’s challenges. Total Pig Health shows our total commitment to you and that future. So we can improve, and move forward. Together.
Total Pig Health shows
our total commitment
to you and that future.
So we can improve, and
move forward. Together.
& Solutions
Protecting animal health during their whole life. Discover MSD Animal Health Pig Solutions:

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Our Swine Business
MSD Animal Health is a
leader in swine health
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Latest market trends

Benchmarking the profitability of raising pigs 2020
Country comparisons and factors contributing to their relative advantage or disadvantage in a global market.

Basic human resource management tools for farms
Anyone knowing the pig business will agree on the importance of the human team force in achieving results. But unfortunately, when talking about employees we often hear just about associated problems.

Biosecurity: The last line of defense against epidemics
In the US, improving biosecurity, as measured by reducing the frequency of PRRS outbreaks in sow herds, has not been sustained over long periods…
Diseases & Solutions

Fertility Solutions
Optimizing reproductive performance in swine herds through estrus synchronization and ovulation induction.

Preventive solutions
Discover the complete portfolio of vaccines for the breeding herd, aimed at protecting gilts, sows and their offspring from generation to generation.
Erysipelas – Parvovirosis – Leptospirosis
Control and prevention of these 3 pathogens are key to ensure good reproductive performance in breeding herds worldwide.
Streptococcus suis serotype 2
S. suis not only causes pneumonia, septicemia, arthritis and encephalitis in pigs but is also of great public importance for its zoonotic potential.
Clostridium and E.coli
Cleaning and hygiene are very important to kill the both E.coli and Clostridium bacteria and their spores that cause neonatal diarrhea.
Glässer’s disease
Glaesserella parasuis infection is most prevalent in pigs 4 to 8 weeks of age. This bacterium can also act as a secondary pathogen to other diseases.
Progressive atrophic rhinitis (PAR)
The disease is caused by Pasteurella multocida and affects the upper airways and nasal passages of piglets. When Bordetella bronchiseptica is also present in the farm, both bacteria together cause deformities in the nose.

Preventive solutions
A broad and flexible portfolio of solutions for respiratory and enteric diseases for the most sustainable care for your piglets.
Discover the most innovative solutions to enhance pigs intestinal health and increase your farm productivity.
Almost 100% of the world’s pig populations have some level of Lawsonia intracellularis infection although it is commonly unknown. That’s why it is called the hidden enemy. Uncover it!
Taylor-made prevention and control of respiratory diseases in piglets.
Porcine circovirus (PCV2) and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M. hyo)
PCV2 and M. hyo are two of the top 5 diseases impacting swine production, acting together most of the times, so it is recommended to control them concurrently. Porcine circovirus disease has a morbidity as high as 50-60% and mortality ranging from 4 to 20%, while, prevalence between 24 and 70% of lung lesions compatible with EP caused by M. hyo at the slaughterhouse have been reported in most European countries.
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (App)
App is the etiologic agent of porcine pleuropneumonia, which is a highly contagious respiratory disease that can occur in all age groups, but usually is seen in 6- to 20-week-old pigs. It is one of the most important swine bacterial respiratory pathogens found worldwide.
The Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome caused by the PRRS virus, has become endemic in nearly all the main swine producing areas of the world and it is among the most economically significant swine infectious diseases. PRRS may reduce the annual production of the herd by 15%.
Aujeszky’s disease (pseudorabies)
The disease is caused by an herpesvirus (PHV-1) that can remain latent and causes respiratory, reproductive and nervous problems. The virus can survive up to 3 weeks outside the pig. Due to the fact that it is slowly transmitted, it can be eradicated through vaccination, good management practices, and elimination of animals that carry the disease.
Next event

16th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management
May 21st – 23rd, 2025
Bern, Switzerland