Smart Farms

Tips on Smart Farms

Dr. Tomas Norton

Our host, Rubén del Pozo, Technical Associate Director EURAM at MSD Animal Health, talks with Dr. Tomas Norton, Professor at KU Leuven, in Belgium. Dr. Norton current research is focused on PLF applications, mainly on modelling and monitoring of animal responses for improved welfare, health and productivity.

Dr. Norton deeply dive into the different PLF technologies and how can they be implemented on farms. He explains his vision on those information-oriented technologies, typically comprising sensors, technology for data exchange as well management systems, in an aim to provide decision support to the animal producer/caretaker. Are vets & farmers ready to accept implementing PLF technologies and solutions? Do they see its ROI? What are the limitations and pitfalls in translating research into functioning solutions? Listen to Dr. Norton and learn a little bit more about what technologies are reaching our farms.

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Dr. Tomas Norton

Dr. Tomas Norton

Associate Professor at KU Leuven. Editor-in-Chief at Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. PhD in Biosystems Engineering from University College Dublin. Chair of Section II and Technical Board of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Associate Editor of the Cell Press journal Heliyon, Frontiers of Veterinary Science and Frontiers of Animal Science. Series editor for Springer Nature Book Series.