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in pig health and productivity.

Tips on Immunology
Dr. Rafael Frandoloso
Stephan von Berg (Global Technical Director Swine PigCare – MSD Animal Health) and Miquel Collell (Global Technical Director ReproPig & SowCare – MSD Animal Health) talk to Rafael Frandoloso – veterinarian award winner and Professor at the University of Passo Fundo – about the industry’s pressing vaccination questions.
- Why do different sizes of pig need the same dose of vaccine?
- Which are the best routes to vaccinate effectively?
- What could the future of vaccination look like?
The trio discuss anatomical versus immunological age, needle phobias in both humans and pigs and the difficulties of knowing when to vaccinate young pigs with immature immune systems.
They compare vaccination routes and examine the success rates of intramuscular, oral and intradermal techniques. One route, suggests Prof. Frandoloso, may produce a dual response more easily.
If all the techniques protect against colonisation, ask the hosts, does intradermal vaccination give a bonus that outweighs its costs? Should the industry’s objective be sterile immunity for its swine or reducing their clinical signs?
Finally, we ask, how close is veterinary science to producing the broad-spectrum protection that producers want?
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Dr. Rafael Frandoloso
Development of modern vaccines for the prevention of bacterial respiratory diseases of swine; Vaccine antigens with the immune system of swine (in vivo and in vitro); Development of recombinant proteins with potential use for serological diagnosis of Hepatitis E. Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Passo Fundo, Ph.D. in Immunology and Veterinary Microbiology, University of León – Spain and a postdoctoral degree in Immunology and Structural Biology of Antigens by University of Calgary – Canada.